Horticultural Society
Borden Horticultural Society was formed 1893 and started life as the Borden Cottage Gardeners Association. During the Second World War it was unable to hold meetings and shows; it is unknown whether they were held in the First World War. The Cottagers showed chickens, rabbits and eggs as well as flowers fruit, and vegetables and the local landowner’s gardeners also displayed pot plants and sweet peas. In 1910 the show was a very grand affair with a brass band, a cricket match and maypole dancing. An annual smoking concert was also held to raise funds which had entertainment including the froth blowers anthem sung by Mr Jack Stuart. The trophies held in2010 include many cups donated by past members and also memorial trophies and shields. Can anyone remember Blossom Turner, Kathleen Bishop, L.G. Pike, Mr Geoffrey Yeandle to name but a few? In 2010 the Society has a healthy membership and the shows are well attended by the public. The local school at Borden has for some years entered the children’s classes for drawing and cooking. The children receive rosettes as prizes. Over the years the large quantities of fruit and vegetables in each class have been reduced to encourage entries from people with the smaller gardens e.g. half pound punnets of cherries and three carrots. Domestic science remains popular although the recipes contain fewer eggs and butter than in 1910.
Rosemary Earl 2010