Archaeological Finds
BHG Links with SWAT Archaeology.
In early 2023 two of our most senior members were walking their dogs around the Wises Lane area and met a member of the SWAT team who explained that they were working on the site as building commenced.
Our two members invited a member of the team to come along later in the year to one of the BHG meetings to tell us about his work.
At our December 2023 meeting Peter Chichy (SWAT) gave us a presentation, and although nothing of National significance had been found on the site to date, he showed us maps of the area and interesting artefacts from other sites; he agreed that a site visit in 2024 was a possibility.
In May 2024 a site visit was arranged and approximately 25 BHG members donned protective clothing, and after receiving Health and Safety advice, toured a large part of the site following a Roman road that headed towards Newington. Members were also shown a burial plot where some of the artefacts will be sent away to a laboratory for analysis. As we watched the team digging we were invited to handle small objects of interest such as roof tiles and pottery.The site will be covered as building commences, as is usual.

David Harrison Wises Lane 2024
The maps that were given to members at the talk in December 2023, and site visit in May 2024, will be added to the website when possible and will be available at open meetings to members.
Extract from Borden Parish Council Minutes March 1946
The Chairman read a letter he had received from F H Worsfold in which Mr Worsfold referred to the fact that the hill upon which the village was built was formerly occupied by late Belgian folk as evidenced by fragmenting remains of pottery, and trench work found in the land on the north of the Playstool during excavations for brick earth. One such trench appeared to be heading across the upper part of the Playstool and Mr Worsfold stated that with the British museum authorities or his society the Council for the British Archaeology to whom Mr. Worsfold had reported the matter might like to have the opportunity of properly surveying and excavating that section before the Council undertook the work of mechanical diggers which were contemplating on the Playstool. The Clerk was instructed to reply to Mr. Worsfold that the Council would be please to meet representatives of his society or the British Museum on the Site.